'If you wanted to put me down to it: I'm not a serious artist!
I am also not a serious person! But - if a picture of me
comes along apparently respectable, I make it in a violent attack
broken! I must not fall into the temptation to want to save it.
There is no rescue for pictures. I attack my pictures! And I
am alone with me and my "avant garde" - I drive myself before me
and I attack the picture, with all means. I destroy it.
I want to scratch out an eye of the picture. Sometimes - very often -
I lose the fight! And then I rebuild it very slowly.
I try to protect it. Sometimes it succeeds. Often not and never!
I believe nothing and nobody. I respect the image and its vitality.
Only when this spark of life appears, I follow the picture unconditionally!'
1952 *
1971 – 1975 Werkkunstschule Krefeld
1980 – 1981 Professor F. Schwegler, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
EXHIBITIONS (selection)
2020 Kunstverein Krefeld
2018 Einladung von Joseph Marioni: zwei Bilder im Museum Wiesbaden
2017 „welt offen“, Kurator Harald Kröner, Städtische Galerie Pforzheim
2016, „Kunstwerk“ Köln
2015 Kunst und Museumsverein Dachau
2014 Kolumba, Köln
2013 Gallery Larry Becker Contemporary Art, Philadephia
2010 Noli me tangere, Museum Kolumba, Köln
2009 Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück
2005 Galerie Margarete Roeder, New-York
2004 Kunstwerk, Köln
2004 Eugene Binder, Marfa, Texas
2003 Galerie Margarete Roeder, New York
2001 Ars Vivendi – Ars moriendi, Erzb.Diöz.Museum (Kolumba), Köln